@ Joint Injections
I offer ultrasound guided joint injections into all large and small joints as an Outpatient procedure. Any spinal injection such as facet joints, nerve root blocks, transforaminal epidural, caudal epidural or rhizolysis has to be carried out under x-ray guidance and are done in the Fluoroscopy room with prior booking. All these injection procedures involve an injection of steroid mixture with local anaesthetic. @ Nerve blocks
These nerve blocks are done under ultrasound guidance and involve injecting a mixture of steroid with local anaesthetic. Typically, suprascapular nerve block to help with shoulder pain and ilio-inguinal nerve block to help with groin and testicular pain are popular and safer alternatives to surgical interventions. @ Trigger Point Injections
These are often palpable tender bands of muscle that go into painful spasms and can radiate pain into other areas. Periodically repeated steroid injections into these trigger points can be hugely beneficial and I offer this treatment in the Outpatient Clinic. Acupuncture or, Electroacupuncture of these trigger points can be a safer alternative. @ Spinal Injections
Any spinal injection such as facet joints, nerve root blocks, transforaminal epidural, caudal epidural or rhizolysis has to be carried out under x-ray guidance and are done in the Fluoroscopy room with prior booking. All these injection procedures involve an injection of steroid mixture with local anaesthetic. @ Medical Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a safe therapeutic option for chronic pain conditions. The dry needling points are chosen as recommended by BMAS - British Medical Acupuncture Society and it is recognised as Western Medical Acupuncture. These are a combination of some traditional acupuncture sites along the Chinese qi meridians and trigger points. The initial consultation is 45 minutes long to allow for pain assessment and planning of treatment. It will include the first session of treatment and contact details will be provided for feedback and an agreement to continue further sessions as required. Subsequent treatment sessions can be booked in blocks of 6 sessions, recommended as weekly sessions or, booked as individual sessions. @ Electroacupuncture
Some conditions such as chronic back pain and other localised musculo-skeletal pain may benefit from stimulation techniques. The treatment sessions would involve a maximum of 8 stimulation needles and last a maximum of 30 minutes each. The recommended treatment frequency is weekly for 5 to 8 sessions. However, the frequency, duration of treatment and length of sessions can be varied to accommodate individual patient's preferences. There is scientific evidence of electroacupuncture in modifying the immune system to help with general well-being and also to fight infections. Once the needles are in place, sterilised wires are attached to them and the stimulation device switched on. You may feel a pulsing to buzzing sensation during the treatment. |